
Brownline | Cases

A customized service

The track record with our Gyro steering tool and add-on modules spans in excess of 20,000 completed drills. Each project has its own story and its own hurdles that needed to be negotiated. Our reliable and unique service offering was a big driver in the completion of each of these projects. 

Extremely accurate drilling in the middle of Berlin

In May 2022, Brownline’s expertise was employed to survey two bores in Berlin. Right in the middle of the city,...

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Crossing a Scottish loch with three parallel power cables

In 2021, Brownline was involved in three parallel drillings in north-west Scotland. It was an interesting and challenging...

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Short parallel drillings under “Gyroscope Road” in Amsterdam

In May 2022, Brownline surveyed two parallel drillings in the Amsterdam harbor area. Commissioned by grid operator Liander,...

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New pipes for water softening plant WPC Bilzen

In the fall of 2021, Brownline's tools were used by drilling company Van den Berg to replace a network of water pipes...

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Expanding the Dutch power grid

The power grid’s capacity in the Netherlands is increasingly taxed. To ensure that it remains stable for consumers,...

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Drilling for more power in North Holland

In November 2021, Brownline completed the first of a total of seven parallel bores in the province North Holland. This...

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