
Brownline | Cases

A customized service

The track record with our Gyro steering tool and add-on modules spans in excess of 20,000 completed drills. Each project has its own story and its own hurdles that needed to be negotiated. Our reliable and unique service offering was a big driver in the completion of each of these projects. 

Crossing Rideau River for a new water main

The suburban area around the Canadian capital of Ottawa has been growing significantly over the last few years. This means...

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Wind farm Neeltje Jans, Zeeland province, The Netherlands

The Oosterscheldekering (Eastern Scheldt storm surge barrier) is a prime example of Dutch flood control management. This...

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Johan Sverdrup Pipeline, Mongstad Norway

Johan Sverdrup is one of the five largest oil fields on the Norwegian continental shelf. With expected resources of between...

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