
Brownline | Cases

A customized service

The track record with our Gyro steering tool and add-on modules spans in excess of 20,000 completed drills. Each project has its own story and its own hurdles that needed to be negotiated. Our reliable and unique service offering was a big driver in the completion of each of these projects. 

Radar drill for a new 50KV power line

Throughout The Netherlands, a wide range of projects are underway in contribution to the transition to renewable energy....

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Continuing the home game; 2.200 meter drill under vulnerable nature

In the fall of 2020, Brownline worked on a project consisting of three 1.100 meter drills in our own backyard in preparation...

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Challenging landfall in the Black Sea, Romania

The Black Sea is an area traditionally very rich in natural resources, including natural gas. Just north of the Romanian...

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A home game for Brownline: drilling in our "backyard"

In 2020, Brownline has surveyed three drills of 1.100 meter (3600 ft.) each. These works are part of preparations...

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Baptizing the GPS Track at Antwerp Port, Belgium

In the busy Port of Antwerp, Brownline has performed 3 drills with the Radar and GPS Track in 2019. This project marked...

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Crossing the river Po

Close to the picturesque town of Valenza, situated at the border of Piemonte and Lombardy, Brownline has successfully...

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