Highly accurate drilling under Bremerhaven harbor

In October 2024, Brownline surveyed a HDD crossing in Bremerhaven. Our client Bohlen & Doyen carried out a horizontal directional drilling here that crossed under the busy harbor. About three-quarters of the bore was located under water.

The 690 m / 2264 ft crossing was carried out within very tight margins. There was little room at the entry and exit points. Absolute precision was required for the bore to punch out exactly at the planned exit point. Surveying this job with the Drillguide Gyro Steering Tool ensured the highest accuracy.

No interference from external factors

The Gyro Steering Tool works completely independently of the environment and is therefore not affected by external factors. This makes it possible to measure with perfect accuracy even in this busy port area. During the pilot bore, the drill reached as deep as 13 m / 43 ft below the harbor floor. At this depth, a horizontal curve was made as planned in order to reach the exit point with the correct heading.

Just before the exit point, there was limited space. Because our GPS track equipment is very compact, it was still possible to use it to perform an additional verification from surface level. This provided complete assurance that the bore would punch out as planned.

The accuracy of our tools was essential for this project. With the Drillguide Gyro Steering Tool it is possible to drill accurately at any location and under any conditions.

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