Drilling for the modernization of the Danish rail network

In the south of Denmark, a lot of hard work is being done to modernize the rail network in preparation for a new tunnel connection with Germany. Part of this is the construction of a new railway bridge, for which a glass fiber connection has to be placed. In 2021, Brownline surveyed a drill of 655 meters for this project.

The Fehmarn Belt connection is the largest civil engineering project ever in the history of Denmark. The project revolves around an 18-kilometer tunnel connection for road and rail traffic between the Danish island of Lolland and the German island of Fehmarn. When completed, this project will become part of the Vogelfluglinie, the main rail link between Hamburg and Copenhagen. The tunnel is planned to be completed between 2026 and 2028 and will then replace the existing ferry connection between Rødby and Puttgarden. Before that happens, Denmark's current rail network must be modernized considerably. This does not only concern matters such as widening tracks, adapting tracks to high-speed lines and constructing overhead lines where this has not yet been done, but also the renovation or new construction of railway bridges and stations. One of the railway bridges to be expanded is the King Frederik IX bridge, which still consists of a single-track drawbridge. A new bridge is being built right next to the existing bridge, doubling the capacity.

A new fiber-optic connection is required for the construction of the bridge and the necessary safety installations for the railway. The 655 meter long trajectory crosses a motorway shortly after the entry point and disappears under water until the exit point immediately afterwards. This means that over 90% of this drill takes place underwater, without any possibility for access aboveground. To make this drill even more challenging, the exit point is located on a very small patch of land between a huge storage tank and a busy road. Total control and extreme precision without being affected by external interference are paramount in a drill job like this. In addition, there should be no inconvenience at all to road users. The combination of these factors made the choice for the Drillguide Gyro Steering Tool a simple one. Due to its extremely high accuracy, this drill was completed successfully and swiftly, so that the construction of the bridge can proceed on time.

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