In September 2020, Brownline surveyed a drill job for the renewal of the power network in the Belgian city of Antwerp. The trajectory of this 672 meters long drill passes the city’s airport within close range.
This particular drill is part of a big renewal project, which consists of the replacement of a 150 kV power line that connects the local power stations of Mortsel and Zurenborg. The existing underground cable will be coming to the end of its lifespan. In order to guarantee solid electricity distribution both now and in the future, the distribution company has chosen to replace the power line. This move will reduce the risk of power failures and will ensure that the busy and densely populated Antwerp and its surroundings can continue to count on a proper working power network.
During the planning phase of this drill, the goal was set to not disturb any trees present along the drill trajectory. Therefore, it was adjusted slightly at several points to ensure that no tree roots would be damaged during drilling. Aside from this, there was also a high degree of external interference caused by the many buildings and roads and of course the airport of Antwerp along the trajectory.
By choosing the Drillguide Gyro Steering Tool, the disturbance of both man and nature was kept to an absolute minimum. The 672 meter drill was executed successfully and within the set period, allowing the distribution company to complete the entire project in an efficient matter.